The Selling Point

A Brand that Listens

Feb_FruitablesThis month, while scouring the industry blogs, social media, magazines, and more we discovered something about Fruitables.

They listen.

Recently, Fruitables came out with the new apple bacon flavor of trainer treat. This treat also came in a smaller size than the others. While you may already know this, what you may not know is that consumers on the Fruitables social networks loved this new flavor and it’s smaller size! In an effort to listen to consumer feedback and tailor the product accordingly, your brand then did something great.

They asked consumers on their Facebook pages about creating all Skinny Mini treats in the smaller size. An overwhelming “yes!” was the response and Fruitables listened.

They took the consumer feedback and left this response post at the beginning of this month:

“Wow! Thanks for the great feedback, you [guys] are the best! Here are a couple of answers on some of the questions/comments:

  • The pouch size stays the same, more treats per pouch
  • The crunchy treats will remain the same size, but will have some “news” soon as well!
  • The new size will be available soon, we have some work to do to bring them to market.”

So, what’s the moral of this story and how can you use it to better sell the Fruitables product line? We are confident after the research and listening we did this month that Fruitables is a brand that listens to the consumer market. Your retailers can be confident in the fact that that product you are selling them already comes with a consumer stamp of approval and will always and adapt and grow with the market.


One Comment

  1. New Fruitables Pet Products « All Points Marketing Says :
    Posted on May 19, 2014 at 7:39 pm

    […] your 3rd and 4th quarter selling line-up. Fruitables has maintained a consumer-directed approach, listening to pet owners needs, wants, and issues. Use this information as a way to stock your […]

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